The Limits of Forgetting

16 January - 14 February 2025

Opening: 15 January 2025, 6 pm

Csaba Fürjesi (1969) has been dealing with the fundamental questions of time and existence for more than a decade. He works with the re-experiencing of the sense of duration of subjective time and linear time, with the temporal displacement of the events of the present world. She takes her motifs out of their original context, whereby they lose their perceived stability and their reference points, and a relative, ambiguous, paradoxical situation emerges.

Fürjesi considers the presence of paradox to be very important, and as he himself says: "paradox is something that needs to be thought through several times, because what it refers to does not add up at the first moment. In many cases, its meaning does not even refer to the image or the work, but is located elsewhere, sometimes in a parallel or deeper reality. So in effect they are a kind of pictorial gaps with explanatory gaps. It is not the usual everyday attitude that is needed to understand them..."

A konceptuális alkotásaiban külön hangsúlyos az anyaghasználat, a különféle alap-felületek együttes alkalmazása (pl. a vintage lisztes zsák, vagy a torok orvosi vizsgálatának spatula-fája, a vintage (1884-es) párizsi divatlap szabásmintája, konyhai sütőpapír, vintage térképek stb.). A kiindulóanyagok sajátos fizikai és szimbolikus jelentésük felől nézve, a kilépés a sík műalkotások kereteiből és az installációk felé való elmozdulás logikus következmény.

The Limits of Forgetting is an exhibition of sovereign works that explore the relationship between subjective time and forgetting through the use of visual elements, through the staged recollection of an episode or a life situation. We identify with the memory effects of the exhibited works according to the degree of recollection in our individual memory. What is important is not the physiological impact of forgetting, but rather the experience of a subconscious personal reference, of a momentary opening of a memory box.
Fürjesi creates a distinctive atmosphere of images and ideas: special fragments of life situations, moments, with multiple meanings and different emotional effects.

Almost all narrative works can be interpreted in a deeper, broader context, whether ideological or spiritual. Beyond this, they sometimes project socio-critical influences that parallel current global discourses. At the same time, by their simultaneous presence in the gallery spaces, the works of art create an atmosphere between fiction and reality.
Fürjesi's works, which force us to self-analysis and introspection, adjust us to the extent that we can parallel the effects they produce with the impressions we recall in our own reference. In doing so, she makes the best of it: she opens the door to new narratives between viewers and works, and invites us to accompany her on her journey through space and time.

Besides painting, photography and installations, Csaba Fürjesi is intensively engaged in graphic processes, the possibility of extending letterpress techniques and combinations of graphic techniques. He has been awarded several prizes for his "Multitypie" graphic process, including the Slavi Soucek Graphic and the Citè des Arts Paris Scholarship in 2020.

The exhibition was supported by the National Cultural Fund of Hungary.