2002 Hungarian University of Applied Arts, Budapest
1992 Nyíregyházi Főiskola, Nyíregyháza
Parallel Vienna, Gallery Frey, Vienna (A)
In-di-go, Gallery Frey, Vienna (A)
Agapé, Künstlerhaus, Salzburg (A)
Synchrony, Herman Otto Museum, Miskolc (H)
Between Dimensions, Optika Gallery, Zlin (CZ)
Human Synchrony, The Space Contemporary Art Gallery, Budapest (HU)
Borrowed words, Hödlmoser Atelier-Galerie, Festung HohenSalzbug (A)
Chaos and Cosmos, Open Studio – with Camille Fischer, Cité des Arts, Paris (F)
Synchrony, Gallery Frey, Salzburg (AT)
For official use only, Cult-Im, Künstlerhaus, Salzburg (A)
Spaces behind, Gallery Frey, Salzburg (A)
Tracking / Time stalling, Chika Aruba & Csaba Fürjesi, Gallery Borssenanger, Chemnitz (DE)
Csaba Fürjesi & Andre Deloar, Gallery Borssenanger, Chemnitz (DE)
Csaba Fürjesi & Merlin Kratky, Gallery Frey, Salzburg (A)
Butterfly effect, Faur Zsófi Gallery, Budapest (H)
Brody Art Yard Gallery, Budapest (H)
Contact, Galerie 1blick, Hallein (A)
Werk.Genau, Gallery of the Hungarian Institute, Stuttgart (DE)
Bio Scenery, Raiffeisen Gallery, Budapest (H)
Werk.Genau, Planschneide csarnok, Hallein (A)
Spaces behind, Galerie Flash, München (DE)
Virtual existence, Reök-palota, Szeged (H)
Spheres, Léna & Roselli Galéria, Budapest (H)
Spheres, Magma Contemporary Gallery, Sepsiszentgyörgy (RO)
Spheres, Amsterdam Stadhuis Teatercafé Galerie, Amsterdam (NL)
Spheres, Art Yourself Gallery, Bucharest (RO)
Csaba Fürjesi, Salvador Dali Cottage, Monterey (US)
City myths, HCC, London (UK)
Art Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe (DE)
Vásárhelyi Őszi Tárlat, Vásárhely (H)
Origo, Gallery 23, Cered (H)
Graphicbox, Gallery Borssenanger, Chemnitz (DE)
Le Maschiere di Dio, Societa Lunare, Bossano in Taverina (IT)
Trends, Reök Palace, Szeged (H)
Common space, Goszcz Palace (PL)
Emphasis on printed graphics, Galerie Traklhaus, Salzburg (A)
Dante's Universe, Reök-palota, Szeged (H)
Panta Rhei, Galeria Aula, Eugeniusz Geppert Academy, Wroclaw (PL)
Galerie Frey 10 Jahre, Galeria Frey, Salzburg (A)
Was Schönes zum 25, Galerie Borssenanger, Chemnitz (D)
Panel Painting Biennale, Reök Palace, Szeged (H)
Micro Cosmos, Contemporary Gallery, Dunaszerdahely (SK)
ArtColony Cered, Academy Gallery, Besztercebánya (SK)
National Drawing Triennale, Dornyay Museum, Salgótarján (H)
A.I.R. exhibition, Gallery City, Salzburg (A)
Panta Rhei, Cinema Gallery, Uherske Hradiste (CZ)
Occsasional Oratorio, virtual international exhibition: ArtColony Cered (H)
Digital Agora, International Digital Art Triennale, House of Art, Szekszárd (H)
Dante univerzuma, Mank Gallery, Szentendre (H)
Inter Cered, Art Salon Gallery, Waterhouse Gallery, Budapest (H)
Fortress of Salt, Gallery Ebensperger-Rhomberg, Salzburg (A)
Artonom, Kunsthalle, Budapest (H)
Common Ground, City Gallery, Salzburg (A)
Eco Media Art, DIG Gallery, Kosica (SK)
Favorite Peaces, Kunstraum Pro Arte, Hallein (A)
Panta Rhei, Cinema Gallery, Uherske Hradiste (CZ)
Miskolc Graphic Triennale, Gallery of Miskolc, Miskolc (H)
Ostrale Biennale, Dresden (D)
Collection of Salzburg, Traklhaus, Salzburg (A)
Winter salon, Gallery Borssenanger, Chemnitz (D)
Austrian Graphic Competition, Taxispalais Kunsthalle Tirol, Innsbruck (A)
Slow Art, Gjutars Künstlerhaus, Vantaa/Helsinki (SF)
Linocut Today, City Gallery, Bietigheim-Bissingen (D)
Art Karlsruhe, Gallery Borssenanger (D)
It was – it is – it will be, Gallery Neon, Wroclaw (PL)
Join the dots, Salon deli Incanti, Trieszt (I)
Revit Art, Hungarian Academy in Rome, Rome (I)
Budapest Art Week, Csaba Fürjesi, Budapest (H)
Time capsule, Hungarian Academy in Rome, Rome (I)
Art Karlsruhe, Gallery Borssenanger (D)
Ausgleich, Austrian Culture Forum, Budapest (H), Vienna (A)
Metafisiche e Metamorfosi, Hungarian Academy, Rome (I)
La Peintura at les Femmes, Gallery Borssenanger, Chemnitz (D)
Graphics Triennial, Gallery of Miskolc, Miskolc (H)
Contemporary Drawing, Kunstraum Pro Arte, Hallein (A)
Pulse Miami, Frey Gallery, Miami (US)
Winter salon, Borssenanger Gallery, Chemnitz (D)
Linocut Today, Gallery City, Bietigheim-Bissingen (D)
Art Today, Gallery Kunstraum Pro Arte, Hallein (A)
Razem, Neon Gallery, Wroclaw (PL)
Panel Painting Biennale, Reök Palace, Szeged (H)
Here and now, Kunsthalle, Budapest (H)
International Drawing and Graphic Biennale, Győr (H)
FÖN Kunstpreis #4, Erfurt (D)
Handapparat der Neugierde, IG Bildende Kunst Galerie, Vienna (A)
Panta Rhei, Gallery Cinema, Uherske Hradiste (CZ)
Small Project, Kunstraum Super, Vienna (A)
Imago Mundi, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice (I)
Miskolc Graphic Triennale, Hermann Ottó Museum, Miskolc (H)
All You Need is Art, Galerie Flash, München (D)
Panel Painting Biennale, Reök Palace, Szeged (H)
Re-painted reality, Collegium Hungaricum, Bécs (A), Institut Liszt Paris, Paris (F)
Labirintus, Művészetmalom, Szentendre (H)
Fresh, Újpest Gallery, Budapest (H)
All You need is Art, Galerie Flash, München (D)
International Drawing and Graphic Biennale, Esterházy Palace, Győr (H)
National Drawing Triennale, Dornyai Museum, Salgótarján (H)
Four Elements, Barcsay Museum, Szentendre (H)
Parallel Directives, Hungarian Academy in Rome, Rome (I)
Genius Loci, Szentendre Old Artists' Colony Gallery, Szentendre (H)
Mixed Media, Small Pieces, Eugen Lendl Galerie, Graz (A)
Get outside!, Virág Judit Gallery, Budapest (H)
Eventi-Reliquie-Reflessioni, Hungarian Academy in Rome, Rome (I)
Panel Painting Biennale, Reök Palace, Szeged (H)
Re-painted reality, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest (H)
Inter-Art – Intercontinental Small Prints Biennial, Nagyenyed (RO)
Bath life, Collegium Hungaricum, Vienna (A)
Ars Pannonica Biennale, Savaria Museum, Szombathely (H)
Clean room, Reök Palace, Szeged (H)
Kertész images – André Kertész in Hungary, National Museum, Budapest (H)
Sotto lo Stesso Tricolore, Villa Guadagnini, Bologna (I)
Kochi International Exhibition of Prints, Ino-cho Paper Museum, Kochi (JP)
Bath life, Kogart Galéria, Budapest (H), MODEM, Debrecen (H)
Szeged Summer Exhibition, Reök Palace, Szeged (H)
Life and Water Biennale, Bácska Culture Palace, Baja (H)
PCHYH – BP SPIRIT, G13 Gallery, Budapest (H)
Sechs X 6, Loft Art, Vienna (A)
International Biennial of Miniature Art, Częstochowa (PL)
International Triennial of Small Graphic, Arka Art Galerie, Vilnius (LT)
Transylvania International Graphic Biennale, Gyárfás Jenő Gallery, Sepsiszentgyögy (RO)
Ars Pannonica Biennale, Szombathelyi Gallery (H)
International Triennial of Graphic Arts, Sofia (BG)
Panel Painting Biennale, Reök Palace, Szeged (H)
Art & Antique Budapest, The Space Art Gallery, Budapest (H)
Parallel Vienna, solo show, Gallery Frey, Vienna (A)
ArtFair Cologne, Faur Zsófi Galéria, Cologne (D)
Contemporary Istanbul, Faur Zsófi Gallery, Istanbul (TR)
SWAB Barcelona, Faur Zsófi Gallery, Barcelona (ES)
Volta9 Basel, Léna & Roselli Gallery (with Attila Mata), Basel (CH)
2022 REÖK Award, Panel Painting Biennale (H)
2022 MAOE Award, Dante's Universe (H)
2021 Artist-in-Residence, Cité International des Arts, Paris (F)
2020 Slavi Soucek Graphic Scholarship, Salzburg (A)
2020 Grand Prize, Miskolc Graphic Triennale (H)
2018 Hungarian Academy in Rome Scholarship, Rome (I)
2017 Cserny József Symposion Award (H)
2016 Artist-in-Residence, Dresden (D)
2013 Hungarian Academy of Arts Award (H)
2013 Madách Award (H)
2012 REÖK Award, Panel Painting Biennale (H)
2011 Artist-in-Residence, Santa Catalina, Monterey (US)
2011 Graphic Award, Szeged Summer Exhibition (H)
2011 I. Prize, Life and Water Biennale (H)
2010 Grand Prize, Transylvania International Graphic Biennale (RO)
2010 I. Prize, Csohány Kálmán National Graphic Exhibition (H)
2008 Phoenix Award, Debrecen National Summer Exhibition (H)
2006 BAZ County Graphic Award, National Drawing Biennale (H)
Collection of Culture Land Salzburg (A)
Salzburg Museum (A)
Graphische Sammlung der Eth, Zürich (CH)
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest (H)
Hungarian Museum of Photography, Kecskemét (H)
Foundation for Hungarian Graphics, Budapest (H)
Petőfi Literary Museum, Budapest (H)
Art Centrum Fayoum, Egypt (EG)
The Abbey Foundation of Oregon, Oregon (US)
Luciano Benetton Foundation Imago Mundi Collection (I)
Collection of Salzburg City, Salzburg (A)
Cultural and Art Centre, Gyergyószárhegy (RO)
Collection of the Society of Friends of Fine Arts, Vienna (A)
Losonc Museum, Losonc (SK)
Nógrád County Museum, Salgótarján (H)
Oxford University Collection, Wolfson College, Oxford (UK)
Petőfi Museum, Kiskőrös (H)
Salgótarján Városháza, Salgótarján (H)
Santa Catalina School Collection, Monterey (USA)
Time out – Csaba Fürjesi, 2021. Verlag für den moderne Kunst, ISBN 978-3-9035572-12-6
Fürjesi Csaba – Time vapour, 2017. Pauker Kiadó, ISBN 978-615-5456-30-5
Fürjesi Csaba – WERK.GENAU, 2014. Pátria Kiadó, ISBN 978-963-7539-36-7
Fürjesi Csaba – Spheres, Magyar Képek Kiadó, 2011. ISBN 978-963-9439-64-1
Fürjesi Csaba – 2009. Magyar Képek Kiadó, ISBN 978-963-9439-64-1
Ceredi Nemzetközi Művésztelep monográfia
Ceredi Nemzetközi Művésztelep 1996-2010. Ars Longa Kiadó, ISBN 978-963-08-1910-7
Ceredi Nemzetközi Művésztelep 2011-2015. Ars Longa Kiadó, ISBN 978-963-08-3315-8
Ceredi Nemzetközi Művésztelep, 2016-2020. Ars Longa Kiadó, ISBN 978-615-81887-0-8