István Csorba-Simon

1993, Budapest

„Szerteágazó munkáim közös metszetét és koherenciáját az idő különböző módokon történő érzékelése, megismerése és a benne lévő helyünk keresése adja. Ez az emlékezés, rögzítés, elmélyülés, időhúzás és várakozás formáit öltheti magára a munkákkal való foglalkozás közben, kigondolásuk lassú folyamatában.
As an artist, the boundaries of life and profession are not separate for me. I pay attention to the small, ephemeral moments of everyday life as the basis for my works, capturing them in their barely perceptible state and elevating them into a floating intimate space.
In making these works, which are based on subtle observations and are also inspired by personal motivations and feelings, I strip away memories, thoughts and experiences, while rebuilding them in other layers, thus involving the viewer and reader in the abstract narrative, to ask the thought-provoking question: what could have happened and where are we going?
A rétegekben és részletekben való elmerülés közben jön a megébredés, akár csupán egy röpke pillanatra, hogy merre vagyunk a világ rohanása mellett, s mélyebben odafigyelünk egymásra, a másikra és saját magunkra.”

2020 Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp, Erasmus+
2016-2021 The Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Printmaking
2015-2016 András Jelky Secondary School of Applied Arts, Fashion and Style Designer
2011-2015 András Jelky Secondary School of Applied Arts

Endless letters, The Space Contemporary Art Gallery, Budapest

On the edge of the table, Fischer Iván Lakásszínháza, Budapest
Benedek Looks out the Window, Három Szerb Coffeeshop, Budapest

About the Other, K.A.S. Galéria, Budapest

Artlife, Deák Palota, Budapest

Gradus, Óbuda Society Cellar Gallery, Budapest
New perspectives, Association of Hungarian Graphic Artists, Vízivárosi Gallery, Budapest
Beyond the Mulandos - with Réka Gergely and Edith Cservenka, Esernyős Gallery, Budapest

Behind The Space - A selection of works by our artists, The Space, Budapest
V. National Drawing Triennial, Dornyay Béla Museum, Salgótarján
Searching for T-Art IV, Szent József House, Budapest

Parallel Structures, K.A.S. Gallery, Budapest
Inside Out - Diploma Exhibition, Virág Benedek House, Budapest
Searching for T-Art III, Saint Joseph House, Budapest
Art Market Budapest, K.A.S. Gallery, Bálna, Budapest

Exhibition Selection from 5 years of exhibitions, K.A.S. Gallery, Budapest
Searching for T-Art II, Józsefváros Gallery , Budapest
Miskolc Graphic Triennial, Miskolc Gallery, Miskolc

Searching for T-Art IV, Szent József House, Budapest
Diversity - MMSZK Year-end exhibition, ISBN book+gallery, Budapest
Social Game - a selection of works by graphic design students of MKE, Csepel Gallery, Budapest
Barcsay Prize, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest

Contemporary Reflections - from the works of graphic design students of MKE, Hegyvidék Gallery, Budapest
One Night Exhibition - Aresco, Attention - The place, Budapest
Graphics Now – Recent Works, Nádor Galéria Art&Med Cultural Center, Pécs
Art Market Budapest, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Millenáris Park, Budapest
Egy Estés Kiállítás – Debut, Attention – A hely, Budapest

KOR/TÁRS V. - from the works of MKE graphic design students and masters, Eötvös 10 Public and Cultural Center, Budapest

Art & Antique Budapest, The Space Galéria, Budapest


National Drawing Triennial, Award of the City of Salgótarján

"Searching for T-Art" Award, T-Art Foundation Award


2020 Erasmus+ Scolarship, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp, Erasmus+


Arthungry, Tales / Art / Fashion graphics competition prize