2022 – 2023 Budapest Art Mentor
2008 – 2014 Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Painting Department, Budapest
2012 – National Academy of Art, Sofia, Bulgaria
2007 – 2008 Óbuda Art School, Painting Department, Budapest
2002 – 2007 Vocational School of Fine and Applied Arts, jewellery artist, Budapest
I went into the garden to spread my soul, The Space Art Gallery, Budapest
Urban Paradise, The Space Art Gallery, Budapest
Marigold, Hidegszoba Studio, Budapest
Is that right, then?, Liget Gallery, Budapest
Barriers, Fészek Gallery, Budapest
Set memories, Hungarian Cultural Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria
House-mate, Fészek Gallery, Budapest
Kert, Hungarian Art & Business, Budapest
Kik egy úton járnak, egy helyre érnek, The Space Art Galéria, Budapest
Alsóbogát Vol.2., NACO Galéria, Budapest
Közösségek és gondoskodás, KPMG, Budapest
Artbrunch: 6m2, Kollab, Budapest
Felfedezők 5.0, Vizivárosi Gallery, Budapest (H)
Hintalovon: Everyone was a child once, The Space Art Gallery, Budapest (H)
CLICHÉ, NACO Gallery, Budapest (H)
Behind The Space, The Space Art Gallery, Budapest (H)
Delphian Gallery Open Call, Unit 1 Gallery, London (UK)
Living Hungarian Painting, Aba-Novák Agóra Gallery, Szolnok (H)
Living Hungarian Painting, Aba-Novák Agóra Gallery, Szolnok (H)
Női vonalak X., Zikkurat, Budapest (H)
Living Hungarian Painting, Hello Wood, Budapest (H)
Young Generation Art Fair, Godot Gallery, Budapest (H)
Perfect match, Art9 Gallery, Budapest (H)
New Showroom, Pakk_Art, Budapest (H)
Underground Reflash, Bálna, Budapest (H)
Promenád, Müszi, Budapest (H)
61. Vásárhely Autumn Exhibition, Tornyai János Museum, Hódmezővásárhely (H)
Diploma Exhibition, MKE, Budapest (H)
Our dog's puppy, PEKH, Budapest (H)
Mill round, MűvészetMalom, Szentendre (H)
Amadeus Artist Grant, MKE, Budapest (H)
Art Moments: 3. Spicy Collection, traveling exhibition, Budapest (H), Pécs (H), Nyíregyháza (H), Kecskemét (H), Paris (FR), Rome (I)
Képző, Diákhitel Központ Zrt., Budapest (H)
Unsearchable Ugly, MKE, Budapest (H)
Unsearchable Ugly, HfBK, Drezda (DE)
Morning 10, Arcus Gallery, Vác (H)
Budapest Contemporary, The Space Art Gallery, Budapest (H)
ARCOmadrid 2024, Madrid (ES)
Budapest Contemporary, The Space Art Gallery, Budapest (H)
Art & Antique, The Space Art Gallery, Budapest (H)
Gray Box Projects, Bulgakov: A Mester és Margarita, performance, Budapest (H)
Gray Box Projects & Living dolls band: Whatthemirrorwants? FKSE, Budapest (H)
Gray Box Projects: The States of Love, photography, FKSE, Budapest (H)
Eszterházy Art Dating, Top 10, Budapest (H)
Delphian Gallery Open Call, Top 40 Artist, London (UK)
Kepesita Collection Short list, Budapest (H)
Jackson Painting Prize Long list, London (UK)
Erasmus Scholarship, Sofia (BG)
Diákhitel Központ Zrt, KÉPZŐ Open Call, II. Prize, Budapest (H)
Tíz műtárgy az Art&Antique-ról, kultúra.hu, 2023/03
Kocsis Katica: Pénteki kultúrrandi Koleszár Kata festőművésszel, kultúra.hu, 2023/01
Fajgerné Dudás Andrea: A kövér testek dícsérete, Koleszár Kata Peremvirág című tárlata, Új Művészet 2019/03, 24-25. Oldal
Képes Erika: Tökéletes illeszkedés? Kultúra&Kritika, 2018/2
„The writings and studies on early garden depictions are very inspiring for my painting, and over time my work has been based on further reflections on the Garden of Eden depictions known from religions and cultures. This sacred place is a point of contact, since religions with different doctrines have similar conceptions of Paradise - almost identical images -most often identified with the garden. Perhaps it is human nature and evolution to cling to a lush, safe plant community, idealizing it and recreating it, maybe in the form of a painting. The presentation of this process through painting offers an opportunity for a contemporary representation of plant ornamentation, but also because of personal conviction and a presentation of different points of view: what does Paradise mean here and now?
As a painter, I am concerned with the idea of how I can tell a story to the viewer through given symbols and motifs. I aim to create compositions that could be the decorations of a contemporary home, but here only the plants will be alive, the animals will appear only on tablecloths and carpets, while the people will not appear at all or will be in the form of porcelain figurines."